faq for applicants

for applicants

  • Currently unhoused and living in their vehicle. Their vehicle must be operable
  • Proof of Ownership/Authorization to Operate: Required and can be verified via an applicant’s vehicle registration or vehicle title.
    • If the vehicle is not in the applicant’s name, we will need a letter from the registered owner granting permission to use the vehicle, the owner’s driver’s license, and a verbal confirmation that they are granting permission to use the vehicle
  • Vehicle registration: Vehicle registration does not need to be current upon enrollment
  • Vehicle Insurance: Not required upon enrollment
    • SPLA can assist with obtaining state-mandated minimum liability insurance. Participants must maintain insurance throughout their enrollment
  • Valid Driver’s License: Required

Yes. Safe Parking LA does not screen for immigration status. All other eligibility requirements still apply including a valid Driver’s License. Undocumented individuals in California may apply for what’s called an AB 60 drivers’ license.

A participant needs to have a valid driver’s license to stay overnight on the lot. However, if the participant is actively working towards obtaining or renewing their license, they can be issued a provisional permit allowing them to enroll for two weeks as they work towards Driver’s License compliance. If the participant has a valid driver’s license but does not have it in their possession, they may also enroll provisionally while they obtain their Driver’s License.

Yes, all pets are welcome. The policy requires that the animal always remain in the control of the owner and that all waste is picked up.

There is no limit set on enrollment as long as participants are actively pursuing their next steps.

Any participant who misses three consecutive nights without notice of their absence and does not reappear for the fourth night can be exited from the program. Participants are encouraged to work with their case manager on any urgent absence requests on a case-by-case basis.

Yes, safe parking programs are ADA accessible and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities. Each of our safe parking locations have wheel-chair accessible bathrooms and handwashing stations. We strive to be inclusive and support participants with their individual needs. Participants can let us know about their needs upon intake, or tell their case manager at any time, so we can provide whatever support is feasible.

Still have questions? Contact us at info@safeparkingla.org or call (323) 210-3375.