Dr. Sale’s speech to Los Angeles Homeless and Poverty Committee

To the Homeless and Poverty Committee: Good afternoon honorable Council Members. I am here today to beseech your help. My name is Dr. Scott Sale and I am one of the advocates and founders of Safe Parking LA that started over 6 years ago at Leo Baeck Temple. Our 501C3’s mission is to be as supportive as possible of the initiation of Safe parking lot programs in every council district. We have worked toward a City wide Safe Parking program as in every council district there are people experiencing vehicular homelessness and it is only getting worse.

By |2023-05-10T18:11:33+00:00December 6, 2017|News|Comments Off on Dr. Sale’s speech to Los Angeles Homeless and Poverty Committee

Establish Citywide Safe Parking Program

Direct the Homeless Strategy Committee, with assistance from the Los Angeles Department of City Planning, City Attorney and the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) to develop and submit for approval a Safe Parking program including permits for predetermined locations, contracting guidelines for homeless service providers, max vehicle occupancy guidelines per location, service provider engagement for enrollment in homeless case management, and integration with Los Angeles Police Department local policing personnel.

By |2023-05-10T18:11:46+00:00May 20, 2017|News|Comments Off on Establish Citywide Safe Parking Program
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